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Friday 26 September 2014

TDTK v3.0 Annoucement

Right I'm making it official that TDTK3 is now a thing. I'm still not sure when it's going to hit the shelve on AssetStore since I'm not done with it (still lots of polishing and cleaning up to do). Then there's the fact that the minimum required version of Unity (4.6) is still in beta.

But here's the shinny new features that I've added just to hype things up a bit:   :)
  • Support for new uGUI 
  • Support for multi-upgrade-path for towers
  • FPS (first person shooter) mode now added (it's like any fps game minus the movement)
  • Support for mecanim animation
  • A much more comprehensive perk system (almost any stats on tower, ability and fps-weapon can be modified via perk)
I should say that all the old features are still there. Well almost. Except the now obsolete uGUI, and support for NGUI, and score system. But I'm hoping that I can add the score system in the near future.

Here's some screen shot, enjoy!

Thursday 11 September 2014

TDTK v3.0 Sneak Peak

I've been silence for a long long time. Since June last I remember correctly. For those who are interest in the reason why I fell off the grid, I took a 2 weeks break. Then I got hook to Mount&Blade for what feels like a century. But for most the time I've been missing, I've been cracking on MechCorp. I've completely what I consider a early alpha state demo. Then comes Unity4.6, which brings me the reason of this post.

I've stated in the past that I'll add the new uGUI support to both TDTK and TBTK. And I've also stated in the past that I would like to rebuild TDTK from scratch, reason being the coding is getting harder to maintain after all this extension and addition. Plus I wasn't as skilled back then. And so I set to work on the new GUI, before I know it I'm rewriting whole framework from scratch. And before I know it I've working on it for 2 weeks. I never thought it would take this long when I get started. And the scary thing is, it still quite some way from done.

The good news is, the new framework feels so simple and streamlined in term of coding compare to the old one. I think this will be great for anyone who like to modify the code themselves. Or at least it will be much easier for me to accommodate any future modification request. I feel like all this is worth it.

The editors has also been given a face lift. It's just subtle changes here and there but I hope they are for the better. Well at least now the full tooltip support should reduce the needs to refer to the documentation. Here are a sneak peak of SpawnEditor and TowerEditor, do keep in mind that they are work in progress.

Finally there's the new UI itself, I hope you like what you see.

Apart from what is shown, there are some other completely new stuff that I like to try and add. Very exciting about to see what I can achieve with the idea.. My hope is to get this done asap. Then move on to TBTK to give it the same treatment, before getting back to MechCorp. I really cant wait to get all these out in the public. Have to say I haven't been this exciting for quite some time. 

Now back to work, make things happen!