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Monday 5 September 2011

TDTK v1.1

Finally I feel v1.1 is polished enough to be released. So here's a list of the major updates:
  • added GUI-elements based UI
  • added new tower deployment scheme
  • added scene transition facility
  • revamp code logic flow to be more orgainised. Require less input from user when putting a scene together
  • revamp some of the script configurable parameters to make configuration more intuitive and less error-prone
  • optimizations and bug fixes
  • added comment on some ofthe script explaining the vital logic flow
  • added untested code block for touch input

With it a more comprehensive demo contain 4 playable levels. Please excuse the over the top sound effect, I have to make do with limited asset at my disposal. As well as the unpolished or possibly unbalanced gameplay. I believe a better level designer can surely do a better job than me, I've only spent minimal amount of time to set it up. But yes everything in the demo is included in the package.

As always it is now available n Unity AssetStore for $65 (similar to v1.0). Feel free to contact me to make a direct purchase at a discount price of $60.


  1. Hi , Song

    I am Tabrio

    We are also the indie game studio , and looking for the bluetooth toolkit , or the code , do you know where can we find the paper or toolkit ?

    this is my email :

    thank you

    Have a nice day

  2. Hi Tabrio,

    I'm dont think I've come across many application that use bluetooth. Or seen any toolkit that does that for that matter. But then I'm working solely on Unity so I'm not sure about other game engine or development platform.

    But there's one bluetooth plugins for Unity from prime31. You can check it out on here:
