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Thursday 29 November 2012

Status Update (Mini Break Edition)

In case you haven't been reading any of my unity forum support thread. I'm currently away from office on a semi vacation which involves a lot traveling and chaotic, spontaneous schedule. Personally, it has been pretty good fun and refreshing, to break from the normal routine. Unfortunately my work load has take a huge hit.

Despite my best effort to work using whatever time I have got left. A MacBook-Pro is simply no substitute for a PC with 25 inch screen, where I can work better and faster without the need to shuffling the all the windows on screen every 5 seconds. As good as the MacBook-Pro is, it's simple a tool for me to build and test my stuff on iOS.

Still, I did just most of the new update for TDTK on it. And yes, TDTK v2.1.3f1 has just been submitted to AssetStore. No major addition yet, but I'm playing with quite a few ideas that might just make it to the next update, v2.1.4, which I think wont be ready at least until new year, if all the idea does make it to release.

Also, Unity4, why you no have new GUI system yet?!


  1. Hi, Song--

    I've been trying to update from 2.13 to 2.13f1, and I keep getting a fatal error:

    Fatal error!
    type ==kMetaAssetType & pathName.find("library/metadata")!=0
    This is despite removing TDTK and NGUI completely, rebooting my pc, etc. I even tried by restoring an old version of the project, but no dice. I'm able to update/import other Asset Store purchases just fine. Any thoughts?

    1. I've just sent an email to you regarding the issue, please check it out.
