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Sunday 6 January 2013

Status Update (New Year and a Fresh Start!)

It's a new year and whoa, it's really been a while since I post anything. I blame the holiday season and my break away from home. Actually come to think of it yes I've pretty much done nothing ground breaking for the whole of December.

That's not entirely true of course. I've been working on various stuff of course, just nothing significant. Also I've been engage myself quite a lot in a particular activity I would like to call 'research'. Well in regards to what I do that is of course play various games. In fact thanks to the steam sales and humble indie bundle I've been able to acquire quite a handful of great titles which has been keep me entertained enlightened throughout the holiday season. Xcom, FTL, SaintRow, AirMech just to name a few. This of course, gives me lots of new interesting idea and consumed a huge chunk of my time.

Also a bad news, the long term project that I've been working on is now dead. I should have see this coming but turns out the company that commission is running some sort of scam and they never intended to have the game finished. Still, at least I was getting paid for most of the effort I put in so it's not all bad. I guess that means it's ok for me to showcase some of the stuff I've produced as of now. I shall make a post about it later.

That also means I now have time on my hand to try some of my own idea. Probably start a new project of my own or something, which is always fun. Or I'll just take on some new contract, if there's any. Either way, cant be bad.

New year resolution, keep working and have fun! And play some game too. Xcom is awesome!

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