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Friday 15 March 2013

Something New

I figure it's time to post something. I have spend most of my free time working on TDTK. Hell as interesting as it's working on adding new feature, it is starting to take the life out of me. I have to spend a huge deal of time been working on ironing out the bugs and smoothing the rough edges of TDTK. It's a never ending quest to be honest.

Anyway, I've try my hand on something new. Well not entirely new, it's an old nemesis of mine, art asset creation. I've been wanting to create a set of custom-asset to go with TDTK. The idea is it should be low-poly and generic so it's applicable in various genre, TD, RTS, top-down or even third person game. So I figure I start with a set of turrets. I've made it so they are modular and good to be used for mix and match. Here's some possible combinations:

Every component is extremely low poly, they should be able to batched dynamically if they shared the same material. Obviously they are still untextured, and that's the challenge. I'm still very much on the learning curve so it's pretty daunting just trying to texture these low poly model. But I'm very excited thinking about the prospect if I can get this done.

Too bad I dont have more time on my hand to play on this. Even these simple component has taken two weeks of my leisure time to put together. Still, hopefully it will make it to TDTK at some point.

1 comment:

  1. very nice models - I've been playing with the turret_creep with my own 3d tank models, as I learn uv mapping.

    my experience:

    uvmapper is a good simple (and free) program that works to generate a texture map (most of the time).

    blender (also free) - works better for more complicated shapes - a steeper learning curve, but there are some good tutorials on youtube.
