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Friday 26 April 2013

TDTK v2.2.1f2

Version 2.2.1f2 is now out and live on AssetStore!

I'm thrilled for this new update. With this update, TDTK is now taking the first step into providing art asset along with the coding framework. As you can see from the image above, the towers has been updated with real model rather than a cube. Check out the demo and see for yourself! If you already made your purchase, get your update!

The model used are from what I released as a stand alone asset pack. They have been shown in great details in an earlier post. If you are interested in the modal alone, feel free to check them out.

However, the asset addition is not all that is included. There are also a few changes and bug fix as follow:

  • added new low poly, modular tower model set with multiple textures
  • remake and added example tower prefabs with new model. new icon included
  • turret's barrel pivot point for barrel x-axis aiming is now assigned in TurretObject instead of Tower component in TowerEditor
  • turret aiming tolerance and turret speed are now configurable

Bug Fix:
  • fix error that happen on TowerEditor and in new tower prefab creation process.
  • fix error on platform inspector when the platform is selected in hierarchy in run time
  • fix bug on turret aiming when using full-mode with SeparatedBarrel. (turret on y-axis and barrel on x-axis)
  • fix some bug on spawn editor when creating a new scene via top panel.
  • fix an error about tweening which happen on NGUI when upgrade to NGUI full.

If you havent notice, I'm in the process of trying to add more useful art asset to the package. I think it's a rather comprehensive toolkit as it's now in term of functionality and feature. So it's time for a change of direction. I'm probably going to add model for creep next. Hope the new changes and addition excites you.

I love to hear your comment and feedback!


  1. Great Update! The models are a nice touch. Updating now!

  2. Question before I purchase. Can I modify your code and add features not available in this TDTK?

    1. You are free to modify the code to suite your own purpose. As long as it's not rebranding and reselling it as another package.

      I often provide support for modifying the code. However for obvious reason, I can't keep track of the changes made by every individual user. So it will be your own resposible to keep track of the changes you make for your own copy and reapply it to any new update you made, should you plan to update it.

  3. Do you include the source for your models or just the .FBX files? Is it possible to include the source for your models?

    1. Unfortunately I can only include the .fbx files as AssetStore dont support other format. Default Unity only support .fbx files if you dont have the third party modeling software installed on your machine.

    2. Thanks for the reply. I purchased your kit. Will you be updating the documentation soon? I noticed it's a version behind so it didn't include anything about Perks.

    3. You can find explanation about how perk system works in this video -

      There's a release note along with the main documentation that should describe things that are added in version2.2 and onwards. Between with the tooltip on the editors, the video, the release note, and the examples. You should have enough material to figure out how things work.

      You should know that ability system works in an approximately similar way.

  4. Last thing. The NGUI menu buttons don't work in the demos. I'm not sure why but the HUD buttons work fine. I know you're not responsible for NGUI issues but I'm asking if you've encountered or know how to resolve this?

    I also found a bug when running the spawnmanager in spawn mode continous and spawn limit infinite. It causes a null exception right off the bat because of this line

    as initially, spawnedWaves.Count = 0 as nothing has spawned yet when this function is called.

    1. I found the fix for the NGUI in case someone else brings it up. the Menu->Background->Box object has a box collider on it. Even if the depth is set right, this is causing the buttons to not activate when you click them. I disabled the collider on this object and now the buttons work fine.

    2. Thanks for letting me know. I'm aware of both this issues. I've actually fixed both of them for the next update.

      You should know that disable the collider will allow user to click through the UI box. Not really a big deal but ideally that should happen. What you should do instead is adjust the z-axis position of the UI-element, moving the background box further away from the UI camera (+z value) or moving the Buttons towards the UI camera (-z value).
