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Friday 31 May 2013

TDTK v2.2.2 is out! New Asset Included!

It's an exciting and proud moment for me personally to see the latest TDTK (v2.2.2) went online. The big difference between this and all the previous update is that this update has emphasize more on addition of art asset. I've never keen to say this, but a nice graphic does make a big different. Now the demo feels more like a game than a simple prototype, in relatively term of course. It's still far from polished.

Now included in TDTK are three modular asset package I made, all which can be obtained from Unity AssetStore without TDTK. They are:
All the example has been remade with the new asset. I hope even for user who are not big on using generic asset, they still provide a decent examples. With that said, the demo has been updated as well. Feel free to check it out! Some of the level are not that balance, they can be a bit too easy/challenging. But they are afterall feature demo for TDTK, not TDTK the game.

I do love to add make more of this modular asset to complete the set. Building and background props comes into mind when I think of it. But I've many ideas that I like to play with as well, score-board, additional game mode. Well, we shall see.

Following is the update log of v2.2.2:

  • Added option for auto-scale ability indicator size to effective range
  • Added option for realistic line-of-sight mechanism for TurretTower
  • Added modular sci-fi freighter model for creep
  • Added modular sci-fi tank model for creep
  • All old creep using primitive mesh has been replaced by new model.
  • All example has been rebuilt.
  • Added support for block-able shootObject (shootObject cant shoot through obstacle/collider)
  • tweak missile behaviour, new option added
  • attack creep now use similar turret control model used by tower. (with barrel control and etc.)
  • change the naming of PathFinding component so the package is now compatible with PathFinder

     bug fix
  • fix bug in SpawnManager where Infinite spawn option will always override AutoGenerateWave
  • fix bug in SpawnManager where event are not firing according to the spawnMode and spawnLimit
  • fix error in UnitCreepAttack caused by animation delay
  • fix bug with editors error which occur when play.
  • fix setting of tower prefab, all tower prefab now batch dynamically.
  • fix a few setting in creep and tower editor
  • fix a bug where creep movement got distorted when pass start point in path-looping mode
  • and other minor bug fixes


  1. Wow, love the three packages. Anyhow, there is a big question I want to ask. Will there be an update that adds controller-support? As the Android kit is now fully free, and there is a movement towards Android Consoles (Ouya, Gamestick) this would be a nice add-on One Id pay a few bucks for too.

    1. I have no plan for that if I'm honest. I have ported the control for Ouya controller before for a specific contract work. But it's a different story to port the control to fit a specific design and to port the control so that it support all the features in TDTK. Considering the fact that unlike mouse, a controller has so many buttons. To fit in the current framework, it's only right that each button can be customize to do a certain function. And to enable that facility would be quite some task. Hence I'm not very keen. Sorry if that dissapoint you.

    2. Doesn't dissapoint me that much. Just thought it would be a great add-on to the tdtk. But I get that the whole system is build around mouse control and that it would be a freaking lot of work makes sense. And with all the Models you added to the kit you don't really have to be sorry :)
      It was more or less a question about if there is something planned. And it's not, so everything is fine. :)
