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Friday 3 January 2014

Happy 2014!

Another year gone by and I'm still here. 2013 has been a pretty decent year. I've played some inspiring games, leaned some stuff, make some stuff... Most importantly, I find myself better equipped to take on more challenging task.

I know I've been talking about making a real game rather than working on endless development of various framework like TDTK. Honestly this has been going on for ages. Too long in fact. So the new year resolution is to get on with it. The project (the wip mech game that I mentioned in an ealier post) has been put in motion. Now I just need to find time to concentrate on it. I might also have some idea for a new toolkit. This one is more complicated at first thought. So it will only happen if I manage to pull it off.

I'm currently working my ass off on adding NGUI3 support for both TDTK and TBTK. It's a hell load of work and I'm trying to get it done asap. But having said that, instead of just porting the existing code and implementation to NGUI3, I'm taking the opportunity to review and redesigning most of it, at least in term of coding structure. The result is a cleaner and easier to maintain code, which should help to keep me sane when I want to do any update in the future. This is especially true for TDTK. The old UI code is so bloated because the idiot who worked on it has the brilliant idea to squeeze all the UI code into a single script. It makes me lost my will to work just by looking at it.

While I'm at it, the visual has been redesigned to be more coherent. I know this is a matter of personal preference but I find the new coherent color scheme much slicker. I've put up a couple of sneak peak in this post. You might notice that I have recycled a lot of the older layout and interaction to save me some effort.

Ideally I would really like to rebuild TDTK from ground up. With that I can clean up and re-organise all the code. Make it cleaner and more mod-friendly. As it's currently, there are quite a bit of messy hack that I put in much later after the first release to accomodate feature that never planned for in the first place. But I'm afraid given the existing feature on the toolkit, that is a herculean task that could easily take months. So just the UI overhaul will have to do for now.

So that's it for now. I hope that after all this, I can concentrate on "the real game"... game. Hope you all have a good year!

p/s: My asset sales on AssetStore are ending 4th of January. So this is the last day!

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