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Saturday 11 January 2014

NGUI3 for TDTK and TBTK! Yay!

It has been a rather productive week. I've build 3 GUI solution for TDTK, TBTK in total. Two based on NGUI3 for each TDTK and TBTK, and a default Unity GUI for TBTK. With that done, I'm releasing new update for both TDTK and TBTK. And this will be the only major updates in foreseeable future. Both of them are now live on AssetStore.

New Unity GUI for TBTK

New NGUI3 for TBTK

New NGUI3 for TDTK

Update Log for TBTK v1.0.6:
  • added new GUI that is based on NGUI3
  • added new GUI that is based on Unity GUI
  • added new ability to spawn collectible
  • added option to spawn collectible procedurally
  • unit has the option to spawn collectible after they are destroyed

Update Log for TBTK v2.2.5:
  • added new GUI that is based on NGUI3
  • Resource can now be bring forth to the next level
  • Platform and overlay mesh has been replaced with more optimized custom plane
  • NGUI free no longer throws warning message in Unity4


  1. TurnBased-ToolKit can adapt for mobile ? if i change some models.

    1. It's mobile compatible from the get go. I manage to run the scenes in the demo on my iPhone4 without any problem.
