I have receive a lot of feedback since Spec Defense was released, almost a year back. Well when I say feedback I mean I read the reviews. Basically they boil down to these two: the game is shit because it's hard as hell so I gave up on level 2. And boy I wish there's an endless mode because I want more of it.
Well for group 1, I'm not going to apologize for the nature of the game. I suspect some people doesn't quite grasps the concept of mazing. Or they don't have the patient to play a game that require some planning. I can accept that. This game is not for everyone.
For group 2, boy do I appreciate you wanting to play more or the game. For that reason, I've released an update today, added endless mode to the game! Hooray! The mode is available for all levels, unlocked when the player beat the level once.
There also a bunch of other stuff that comes with the update. Like lots of balance tweak for the towers, UI tooltip that show player the tower function and stats, etc. And bug fix of course.
So that's it for now. Now I need get back to MechCorp.