I'm so happy to announce that the latest TBTK is now live on AssetStore. Now with this latest release, all the "incoming" features listed when the kit is first released is now done. Honestly It's a great relief for me personally. Now I can ease my foot on the paddle a bit and perhaps find more time doing other things I'm interested. But knowing the way I work, it's certain that at some point in the future I'll pick it up again.
So about the update, first there's the perk system which has been coming long time. Almost every stats on unit can be modified via the perk system. But I have to say it's not the most comprehensive aspect of the toolkit yet. There's still a lot of things that can be added, more dynamic things like gain certain bonus after certain event. But I feel like going there could mean adding a lot more work so I'm going to leave it for now. Needless to say, the system can be used either as a self-contained progression within a single level or a persistent progress across a campaign.
The other addition is the hotseat multiplayer support. There's some limitation yet of course. For instance the unit selection scene doesn't really support this yet. But I doubt anyone who build a hotseat multiplayer game would wants to use the default unit selection scene. What I've done instead is add the code support to assign multiple player unit selection which should work automatically with the game play scene. In short, you build your own unit selection scene, assign unit selected by each player via an API and that's that. Otherwise, the hotseat can be a self-contained level with randomised or preset unit.
I've also add a few abilities following user request. There's Spawn
Unit, Teleport and Change Enemy Faction. This should spice things up a
bit. So if you have got TBTK, go have fun! If not, buy it, I promise it's worth it. :)
Change log for TBTK v1.0.4:
- add perk system
- add “hotseat” multi-player support
- add new ability (spawn unit, teleport)
- icons can be removed in once assigned to reduce build size
- grid generation in editor is significantly faster now.
- get rid of warning message for NGUI for unity 4.0 and up
- code improvement here and there.
- fix a bug with GridManager faction setting and unit generation
- fix some bugs with unit-abilities
Edit: A small update (v1.0.4f2) for bug fixing has been released on 5December2013