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Sunday 11 August 2013

TurnBased-ToolKit (TBTK) v1.0 now released

Finally, after much delay, TurnBased-ToolKit is now released. Yea, I know, not exactly a creative name but it's in tune with TowerDefense-ToolKit. Still, I'm excited to make this announcement. I'm not going to repeat posting things that I have posted, so please just check out the main page for the various link, demo, feature list, screen shots, etc.

I would consider this as an early release. It's no where near where I vision it when I first started. I still have tons of idea to try and develop. And that is exactly what I plan to do in coming weeks. Speaking of adding features, perk system, better AI, cover system immediately springs to mind. Cover system is definitely gonna be an interesting things to try. Cant wait...

Too bad I still have a week worth of part time job to go through. It has been especially bad during this last, final 3 weeks. Such is the nature of research project or indeed game project. I wish I could just screw it, just work for the hour which I have been paid. Well, remind me not to get into stuff like this anymore... 

Sorry for the rant. The point is, I will try to find as much time as I can to work on the next update. Hopefull I can do enough improvement/addition to make the next update by early next month. This is the is going to be the next TDTK. I'm going to keep on developing and support it as best I can. Hope this is interesting enough for certain people... who will then buy it so I have money to pay for the food! Please forgive my honesty there but it's kind of the truth. Many thanks in advance!  :D


  1. Yay! Can't wait for it to hit the Assetstore. Any word about pricing?
